Integrating Soil Biodiversity into Ecosystem Services

Dept. of Earth and Environmental Sciences Campus Geel, KU Leuven

KU Leuven is a research-intensive university, a setting for both fundamental and applied research, with a strong inter- and multidisciplinary background and a clear international orientation. We aim for research excellence, a contribution to societal and cultural debates and the realisation of a real knowledge society. Individual initiative, critical reflection, collaboration, solidarity, academic freedom and diversity are key concepts in realising these goals.

The Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences focusses on the functioning of geo- and ecosystems at different spatial and temporal scales, including the interaction between humans and the environment and the sustainable management of natural resources.

Role within SOB4ES

The role of KU Leuven in the SOB4ES project is centered around elucidating the pivotal role of soil biodiversity in shaping the dynamics and functionality of the soil carbon cycle and associated ecosystem functions.

Main contacts

Photo of Prof. Karen Vancampenhout
Prof. Karen Vancampenhout


Photo of Dr. Ellen Desie
Dr. Ellen Desie

Post doctoral researcher

Photo of Astrid Sneyders
Astrid Sneyders

PhD Researcher